Electric Avenue Review
Today, while looking for the lyrics of the Electric Avenue song (for reasons that allude me), I ran into an interesting website. In turns out, that in Miami there is an actual electric avenue. Interesting enough ,there is a store that bears the same name as that avenue. This interesting anachronism led me to the store. There they mostly sell all sorts of cameras. These days everyone thinks themselves a photographer. This fact is most noted in Miami, a great family tourist spot. Thus, the physical location of the store is a great location. A lot of tourist pass by who physically purchase their cameras at the store. The online store is meant to compliment their store in the real world.
The kinds of cameras that Electric Avenue sells range from the cheepos 20 bucks camera to professional cameras. Other than cameras, they have the usual electronics. You know, like games, cellphones, computers, TVs, ect. The thing that I liked best is that they always have a costumer service guy on the website 24/7 on the chat. He will answer any, and all questions about the merchandise. In all the other online websites I visited, none had that special feature. Therefore, costumer service wise, Electric Avenue is pretty peachy.
Another thing that humored me, was hearing something interesting from the chat guy. He told me how, all the costumers that enter the place in the physical world, sing to themselves the Electric Avenue song. Publicity wise, the name works wonders for them. Plus, its a perfect name for an electronic store. I also read up their shipping options. Its free in the US and pretty cheap in the rest of the world. They accept paypal. In any case, if you stop by Miami visit the Electric Avenue, and the store there too. The Electric Avenue Store is truly 5 stars worthy.
Here is the link to the Place: http://www.electricavenue.net